Drug Free Coalitions in Coweta and Macon Counties

Drug Free Macon County FB: DrugFreeMaconCounty

The primary goals of the Drug Free Macon County Coalition are to:

  1. Strengthen community collaboration focused on preventing substance abuse.
  2. Reduce teen substance abuse throughout Macon County.

Drug Free Coweta:  DrugFreeCoweta.org

The primary goals of the Drug Free Coweta Coalition are to:

  1. Develop a strong and substainable community coalition to addess the opioid crisis in Coweta County.
  2. Educate college students about about safe usage and storage of prescription and other drugs.

Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Disabilities
DBHDD: www.dbhdd.georgia.gov

Community Anti-Drug Coalitions of America
CADCA:  www.cadca.org

Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
SAMHSA:  www.samhsa.gov

The Office of National Drug Control Policy
ONDCP:  www.ondcp.gov

Drug Free Fayette:  www.drugfreefayette.org

The primary goals of the Drug Free Fayette Coalition are to:

  1. Strengthen community collaboration focused on substance abuse.
  2. Reduce teen substance abuse across Fayette County.

Drug Free Fayette:

The primary goals of the Drug Free Fayette Coalition are to:

  1. Strengthen community collaboration focused on substance abuse.
  2. Reduce teen substance abuse across Fayette County.

Drug Free Coweta:

The primary goals of the Drug Free Coweta Coalition are to:

  1. Develop a strong and substainable community coalition to addess the opioid crisis in Coweta County.
  2. Educate college students about about safe usage and storage of prescription and other drugs.

Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Disabilities
DBHDD: www.dbhdd.georgia.gov

Community Anti-Drug Coalitions of America

Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration

The Office of National Drug Control Policy